It is hard for the teachers to deal with misbehavior in a way that makes the students learn from it. Teachers should be aware of the students inside the class and they should know each student. Also they should know why students may misbehave inside the class. Every misbehavior has a cause. First of all teachers should know the cause of misbehaving, then providing a logical consequence for that misbehave. The logical consequence should be accurate and the students should benefit from it.
For example, if a student changes his seat without permission, any teacher may scream or ask him to go outside the classroom. But if you want to give a logical consequence so simply the teacher may remove a smiley face that he took previously.
Here are some misbehaviors and the logical consequence of each misbehavior.
-Scratch on his friend's book: Apologize to his friend. Help his friend in repairing the paper.
-Cheating: Take the exam from the student for five minutes. Minus 5 marks.
-Being disrespectful: Write a letter to apologize to the one he disrespect.
-Sleeping in the class: Ask him to go and wash his face.
-Interrupting the teacher: Don't allow him to talk a whole session.