Athar Akl

I got my B.S degree in teaching English as a second language at Lebanese International University. Now i am working on my TD "Teaching Diploma" degree.
This year which is my first year in experiencing the teaching major. Now i am teaching at a school for third and fourth graders.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Vygotsky's Theory

Lev Vygotsky is the most famous theorist that talks about sociocultural theory.  Vygotsky’s theory was useful for describing children’s mental, language and social development.
Vygotsky talks about the social interaction. He believed that the mental and language and social development is acquired by the interaction with the others. Also he said that interaction lead the child to develop because whenever the child interacts so he will be able to communicate and in this way he will learn. Also Vygotsky talks about peer pressure, and what is meant by peer pressure that the child help his/her peer, in this way there is an interaction between the two children and this lead to learn and develop.
Besides he talks about the zone of proximal development is the stage that the child is able to perform tasks with help or not. So the tasks above ZPD are those the children not able to do them by themselves, while the tasks that are below ZPD they are tasks that children can make them by themselves. Also he believed that the interaction between the child and the teacher in the class is very important for the children because in this way the teacher will scaffold the child and in this way the teacher is helping the child to acquire knowledge and information. Scaffolding is a very important according to Vygotsky because it is a kind of help that gave to the child to complete a specific task that he is not able to make it.

Image result for vygotsky pic


  1. He emphasized on the need for social interaction for students to develop language skills, Well done!

  2. Interaction between children help them develop their abilities in communicating with others socially and exchanging thoughts. In addition, they will be more confident in expressing themselves and sharing opinions.
