Athar Akl

I got my B.S degree in teaching English as a second language at Lebanese International University. Now i am working on my TD "Teaching Diploma" degree.
This year which is my first year in experiencing the teaching major. Now i am teaching at a school for third and fourth graders.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Regaining Students' Attention.

One of the biggest problems that the teachers face in the schools is regaining student’s attention. This issue had been suggested previously with many ways to regain the student’s attention. Regaining student’s attention is not an easy issue; it is very difficult for most of the teachers. Many students lose their attention for several reasons, and these reasons maybe caused by the teachers, parents, or from the student himself. This problem can cause many obstacles that he/she would face. For example, the student who loses his/her attention in the class may have low marks; stop studying or many other difficulties. Besides this problem may cause difficulties in the teacher’s career, it may cause them to lose their jobs or maybe to lose their self-confidence. So it is important to solve this problem in each and every class.There are many students in the classes that lose their attention; they may lose it for different reasons.
There are several ways in order to regain students' attention. Some of them are:

  1. Make a sign whenever you want the students to pay attention. 
  2. Follow the rules.
  3. Praise the attentive students. 
  4. Find what helps each student to be interested. 
  5. let them make choices. 
  6. Ask the inattentive students to tell something for the students like a joke...
  7. Be creative, because creativity lead the students to pay attention. 
  8. Give a break from time to time. 

Image result for pic art for student in the class


  1. I'm totally sure that every single teacher faces this problem with few students in her/his class. We always have those students who have a short attention spam and need a lot of effort to be taken back into the domain of learning. Grabbing their attention, involving them, motivating them, and giving them some space and chances to break and breath, are the best we can do to gain their attention again.

  2. every teacher faces this problem in the class. the teacher tries a lot to grab the students' attention,motivate and appreciate them , in order to be an effective teacher.
    great information that deals with the major problem in all classes.
    Best regards

  3. Many teachers punish the students when they lose attention during the session. It is fine to lose attention, students can not maintain full focus during the whole session. You present very good ways of regaining students' attention. In addition varying voice tone and not keeping the whole session with the same tone and in the same position.
